May 20, 2024 in ARIZONA IRON SUPPLY, Sheet Metal, Steel

Should You Choose a Metal Roof For Your New Build?

As any cat on a hot tin roof can tell you, metal roofing is a HOT trend right now. Despite its current trendy status, this popular construction choice is anything but new. After metal sheeting was developed during the American Revolutionary War, using the material for roofing quickly followed. The first metal roof appeared in the United States when a man named Robert Morris decided to roof his Philadelphia mansion with sheet metal. Since then, choosing metal material to roof business and residential buildings has remained a smart and popular choice.

Here are a few reasons you should consider metal roofing in Phoenix for your business or home construction:


Unlike wood or asphalt, metal roofs are not prone to chipping or warping. They can take the heat and wind (and even the haboobs) and keep their beauty and protective properties.


Once you place a metal roof on a building, it’s there to stay. In Arizona, metal roofs can last upwards of 70 years.


While it does cost more up front to choose a metal roof over shingles, you can’t argue with the bang for your buck.

Shingles may have a lower purchase price, but they’re only expected to last 20-30 years in Arizona, including some expected repairs needed every 5-7 years.


With the variety of styles and finishes available, metal roofing is anything but boring. Whether your motif is sleek and modern or soft and homey, metal can provide your style of choice.

Energy efficiency

Metal roofing is known to be more energy efficient. Metal roofs are highly reflective, meaning they can reflect the sun’s rays away from the structure. This helps reduce heat absorption, leading to lower air conditioning costs for your home or business.

Environmental friendliness

It is estimated that about 20 billion pounds of asphalt roofing tiles end up in landfills every year – that’s about 54 million pounds of tiles PER DAY.

Metal roofing, on the other hand, is 100% recyclable, and is often constructed from recycled metal. If you’re looking to support environmental sustainability in your Phoenix construction projects, metal roofing is the clear choice.

Hint: To unlock maximum sustainability, consider installing solar panels on your metal roofing. You’ll reap the benefits of tax credits, rebate programs, energy bill savings, and knowing you’re doing your part to preserve our natural resources.

Too heavy? No way

While many people shy away from metal roofing due to the belief that they’re too heavy, you shouldn’t fall for that line of thinking. Metal roofs are lighter than other roofing options.

This roof won’t catch on fire

Arizona, especially in the rural areas, is vulnerable to wildfires. Metal roofing provides an excellent fire-resistant barrier which can be a crucial home safety feature.

Installing a metal roof in Arizona is a smart choice for so many reasons beyond the beautiful aesthetic. The durability, efficiency, value, longevity, and so much more make this choice for roofs a no-brainer. Still have questions? The team at Arizona Iron Supply can show you the array of metal roofing options, answer your questions, and develop a plan to fit your timeline and your budget.