The Advantages of Aluminum in Phoenix

Aluminum is the second most popular metal after iron. It is used in the making of a number of common items that we use everyday, such as fuel-efficient vehicles, smartphones, zippers, and foil. You will also find aluminum in the wiring of the nation’s power grid and on the international space station. In fact, it has been referred to as the miracle metal because of its versatility and strength. Let us remind you of the advantages of aluminum in Phoenix —or for that matter, anywhere in the world—for your next project!
Aluminum is typically produced through two methods—primary and secondary. Primary production begins with mining bauxite deposits from the earth, and then uses electrometallurgical processing, which ultimately produces aluminum. Secondary production refers to the manufacturing of new aluminum from recycled scrap aluminum.
After production, aluminum can be fashioned into its preferred shape, strength, and density through different processing methods and the use of alloys. Pouring molten aluminum into a mold through a process called casting, is used for high-volume parts that require minimal machining, such as automotive parts. Sheet rolling is a process used to make long flat sheets of aluminum. These sheets are then used in the making of cars, planes and trains, as well as in consumer packaging like cans and foil. Aluminum can also be forged using compressions to provide greater strength for things like race car wheels. And the building industry uses a process called extrusion to produce longer, thinner pieces of aluminum called rod, bar, or wire.
- Versatile. Its many varying properties have allowed manufacturers to use aluminum in an incredibly wide range of applications. As we stated above, it can be found everywhere from your kitchen, all the way to space.
- Lightweight. Aluminum is about one-third the weight of steel. In 2015, Ford released the all-aluminum-body F-150, reducing the vehicle’s body weight by 700 pounds, or approximately 15 percent of the vehicle’s body weight. This allowed for improved fuel efficiency and increased safety, without abandoning performance.
- Strong and Durable. Aluminum absorbs twice the crash energy of steel and performs as well in an accident. Aluminum-zinc alloys are the strongest out there on the road.
- Resistant to corrosion. Aluminum reacts with oxygen in the air to form a thin layer of oxide, which provides protection from corrosion.
- Malleable. The ductile nature of aluminum is important in the manufacturing processes of extrusion and rolling strips and foils.
- Sustainable. An astonishing 75 percent of all aluminum ever produced is still in use! Recycled aluminum production requires much less energy and produces far fewer emissions than primary production of the metal.
- Conductive. Wire conduit made from rigid aluminum will not spark, making it a popular choice for builders for over 40 years. This property is crucial in places like coal mines, grain elevators, and refineries, where sparks could have disastrous consequences.
These are the incredible advantages of aluminum in Phoenix—and for that matter, anywhere in the world! At Arizona Iron Supply we offer an extensive array of aluminum products and castings. Be sure to consider the advantages of aluminum in Phoenix when deciding which metal to use for your next project. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call us!
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